Thursday, July 3, 2014

From an Architect's Bookshelf - Book Drive

LiA SF is happy to announce the second book donation/library development program; this would provide local educational institutions with books that are essential for the teaching and research of Architecture, interior design and construction related topics, but too costly for most schools or scholars to afford.

KICKOFF PARTY: July 23rd at Barcelon & Jang Architecture
315 Bay Street, 3rd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94133

Register Here

We will be collecting books all summer!
Donations can include: Architecture, interior design, landscape, urban and planning design, construction, art and general design books.

Write your preferred architecture or design quote or personal note inside the cover of the book to personalize your gift.  You can contribute something from your personal collection or buy a book to donate.

BOOKSHELF LEADERS: If you are interested in being one, please email us.
Print the 11x17 color poster, and post it in a visible location at your office, receive the book donations at your desk and deliver them to Barcelon & Jang Architecture (date to be confirmed).

Poster Download 

BOOK COLLECTION POINTS: with your office bookshelf leader, at the San Francisco AIA office or at Barcelon & Jang Architecture office.
Your book donation will help:
- Motivate a young student to stay in school and pursue a college degree education; Raise awareness of Architecture or related field as a career path as well as its profile to make the profession more diverse and attractive.

2013 LiA SF collected more than 200 books donated to:

Skyline High School Oakland

Mission High School
Thurgood Marshall High School
SOTA High School

We invite you to take a look at this video “AIA Dallas Latinos in Architecture, From an Architect’s Bookshelf”, that depicts the soul and the intent of the book drive program in San Francisco:
Thank you!

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